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Steve C

I’m gonna be completely honest with you. I felt the same way you’re feeling on my first attempt at watching Season 7. In fact, I got two episodes in and just gave up on it. It took me several months before I was able force myself to give it another go. I restarted from the first episode of the season, and ended up with the same opinion after the second episode. I was bored, and didn’t really care about any of it. But I pushed forward, and by the time Episode 4 rolled around, my opinion changed. Episode 4 got me hooked again, mainly because it actually felt like a OUAT episode. It still takes a little bit after that to really captivate you, but if you just continue with an open mind, the reasons the writers went this route start to make sense. If you can just push forward, like I did, I guarantee that the series finale will make this whole journey worth it.