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Mathilde BESSON

"That's my mom" "Happy freaking Halloween" are high in my favorite lines from this show XD

Lucile Byrd

Im sorry, but 1st, I do not believe Izzy when she says she never meant to hurt Callie, because from the moment Callie came on the scene and started dating George Izzy was mean, unkind, rude and flat out disrespectful to Callie and their relationship, and only got more disrespectful after they got married, so she can cram her lie about not meaning to hurt Callie right back down her throat because that is all she has been doing since day 1! And aside from marrying someone right after their dad died (which it was not right after, first George continued to use sex as a means to forget his sorrow before they got married) but that did not justify braking her confidence and constantly telling things that he knew his wife was insecure about to the woman she was most threatened by, who George constantly sided with, and then went and got stupid drunk and slept with that other woman. I am sorry, but that was in no way a scenario where both parties broke that marriage, that was all George!