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Lucile Byrd

Even if the cheating did not happen, or if Izzy and George did not have feelings for each other, both of them would still be in the wrong. Unless the person you are with is mistreating you and your friends are trying to help you see that or protect you, it is not okay to entertain (let alone side with) a "friend" who is always actively disrespecting the person you are with or your relationship! And that is what Izzy has been doing since the moment George and Callie started seeing each other, which only got worse after George and Callie got married. Callie has every right to not like Izzy, and even be insecure about her marriage when her husband defends the "stacked supermodel" best friend over his wife time and time again, or when he divulges personal details that Callie shared with her husband, to Izzy who never refrains from mocking Callie for it.