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ive got a deaf cousin and yes! they do have distinct ways of signing dependant on where they are from! its like having a British accent, its all english but a group will always end up making a special accent unique to the area!


Not only are there different dialects in sign language, there's different languages as well - for instance in Denmark, where I live, sign language is different to English signing, Danish signing is more similar to French signing, which again is different from English signing. And as the other commentors said, yes, isotopes are 100% real and a goldmine of genetic data. It can show where you grew up, like which part of the world, pretty amazing.

Lucile Byrd

Sign language is a language, just like people of a same language (English, for example) from different areas have different terms or inflections or sounds based on the area they were raised in, of course ASL has "dialects" such as speed and movement and elevation and sharpness that varies based on certain areas/communities.