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This episode always makes me want people to react to SEAL Team. Such an awesome show and David Boreanaz is amazing in it.


I think the reason the operation was shut down was bureaucratic. The new top scientist in the States wasn't in DC, they lost 4 people all at once, and hiring people is actually pretty expensive, so the pencil pushers probably just saw the whole thing as a drain of resources and a perfectly good room that could be used in the museum as a showroom to earn revenue, going unused. I'm not saying it was smart but the guys making the decisions most likely picked the easier and cheaper option before Cam could even try to find replacements. I actually had the same opinion the first time watching but after re-watching a few times I noticed they referenced little things like Julian saying "No sane agent could work with these people" which probably means the FBI also shut down the program on their end because they couldn't find someone willing to work with the scientist (which fair, its like herding cats).

Lucile Byrd

It is annoying when people act like the main character (or their favorite character) is infallible. Cam is not perfect, and should take some responsibility, but why does that mean she has no right to be mad a Brennan? Brennan left abruptly leaving no time for Cam to find a replacement, nor did she actually help to find one. On top of that, let's not act like Brennan's decision to put her own interests above the team (while she is entitled to make that move does not mean that it isn't exactly what she did) is the reason why the rest of the team also left, abruptly, with no notice or time or assistance to allow Cam to find suitable replacements for them. Plus, the Jeffersonian was not built to be a crime solving unit, it is a museum that had highly qualified scientists that were able to consult for the FBI with a specific agent to aid in solving murders in addition to their normal jobs, so once the leading forensic anthropologist (and only one residing in DC) left (which would result in all of the interns being relocated), along with their "bug & slime" guy, and their FBI agent, what was Cam supposed to do? Even though she had no team, and the Jeffersonian shut down the empty "crime lab" everyone still expected her to be able to solve these cases at the same rate by herself. As for Sweets, I do not find it inconsistent on his part to be upset and break things off with Daisy after proposing to her. Because, after realizing he wanted to marry and spend his life with her, she decided her career was more important and to leave him for a year! What should his response have been to that? Based on their conversation surrounding the subject in the last episode, it seemed like they had chosen a date that was within the year she would be away, which makes it seem like this great career opportunity was not something she discussed with him prior to just telling him she was absolutely going (again, without discussing things as a soon to be married couple) and that they could either push the wedding or elope while either followed her around aimlessly or waited a year for her to return.