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Lucile Byrd

Alex is a jerk a lot of the time, but so are all the other characters. They constantly bring their personal crap into the work place, particularly taking it out on the ones with no power to do anything about it, the interns wo they are supposed to be teaching, not mistreating! And Addison was the one in the wrong, not Alex. Just because a patient asked her to break the rules and do something shady and off the record does not mean she can just go blaming for having to face the consequences of her actions. Then we have Derek acting like such a guy! He chose to stay with Addison (a dumb move since he obviously does not want to be with her). Merideth has to see them together all the time at work & literally had to hear about their sex life first hand, but then he gets mad at her every time he is faced with her attempts to move on.