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thomas fowler

morgan going through one of the worst situations of his life and garcia calls him selfish for thinking a case involving his family is personal, i hate her in this episode

thomas fowler

its so weird to me how when ppl are going through things they pick and choose when to be understanding, acting like morgan crossed a line or something, every character goes too far when things get personal but only some ppl like morgan this episode get hella scrutinized for it, its so weird to me

Mathilde BESSON

I dont' really understand Garcia's reaction here, Derek handled it pretty well considering the situation

AmyWonderland92 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 04:12:53 Especially considering she was snappy when her friend went missing a few episodes ago!
2023-06-24 01:16:53 Especially considering she was snappy when her friend went missing a few episodes ago!

Especially considering she was snappy when her friend went missing a few episodes ago!

Becky Mitchell

Unpopular opinion here.... Penelope said EXACTLY what Derek needed to hear. That is what best friends do. They call you out when needed, they are blunt, they are straightforward. Derek needed to start thinking like a profiler again, if he wanted to help his cousin. Garcia (out of love) basically told him to lock down his emotions and do his job, because his cousin was depending on him. This is the strength of their friendship. Only she could have said that and got him on track, as opposed to sending him into a spiral of emotion. She is usually so sweet and flirty with him, that when she gets mad or nasty.... he notices and responds almost like he would to be scolded by a mother. They are each other's anchors, when the emotions get too crazy. I'm sure, that if they had more time, she could have done it in a less confrontational way. But, there was no time.