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Verlie Jean

Apart form Garcia's usual lack of boundaries (hacking into Kevin's computer and harassing him and Morgan because Kevin's not telling her everything), what makes it worse is that she previously sabotaged Kevin's job promotion perspective and he stayed (kind of had to) to pursue a relashionship with her. And now, she doesn't want to commit. It always bothered me the way the show brushed over her actions like : "She's Garcia and she's quirky so it's fine that she hacks into her boyfriend's computer or whatever". I usually like Garcia, but I can't stand by what she did to Kevin.

Becky Mitchell

I tend to agree that if you don't want to get married eventually, you shouldn't get into a serious relationship. That said, sometimes people go into something agreeing that it isn't headed in that direction and then over time, one person starts to feel differently. This is why communication (and not hacking or sneaking looks at your partner's computer or phone) is crucial.