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Becky Mitchell

I have really strong feelings about "right to die" laws. My mom passed 5 years ago from Parkinson's disease. She asked us to help her die over a year before she actually left. Even though Maine has a law, at that point, the disease was advanced enough that she wouldn't be deemed "competent" to make the decision. I believe that in the case of terminal neurologic disorders, you should be able to put your decision in writing, notarized and with a list of "when these conditions are met". And then, when you have a lucid day and the disease has reached those conditions, you should be allowed to have help leaving on your own terms. My mom spent the last year of her life with hallucinations (caused by the meds that they give for the disease), not able to do anything herself (even the bathroom), and locked inside her own head most days because she often couldn't speak well. We are kinder to our pets.... not forcing them to suffer. Not always a popular opinion, but until you have watched a loved one suffer like that, you really can't understand it. On a lighter note..... check Rossi's desk. There is a pic of him and Ringo. That is one of the actor's personal photos, that he brought on to the set to use. Joe Mantegna and Ringo are good friends and play poker together.