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Tabitha M. Guin

Both my grandparents were in the military too. My grandpa was a world war 2 vet. He was at doomsday. My dad was the youngest of 7 kids. His oldest brother was 20+ years older than him. But this one was really good. New fear unlocked. Recognizing loved ones voices but not recognizing their faces. That would be so incredibly hard

Becky Mitchell

Prosopagnosia.... face blindness. The girlfriend of a good friend of mine has this condition. She manages pretty well, as it was diagnosed early and she learned coping skills. She is also very open about it. But, she will never know anyone by seeing them. Her hearing is amazing, as she can pick out voices in crowds and know who it is. I can't imagine how scary it was at first though, when everyone looked like a stranger and she didn't know why. But for a veteran with combat memories?! That would be utterly terrifying. Plus, his was a result of an accident. The friend I have was born with the condition, which is neurological. The vet had no time to adjust or figure out what was going on, He was just thrown into a nightmare and reacted the way that he was trained to react to a critical mission.