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Disturbing on disturbing on disturbing is the name of the game with this show. It's so well-written most of the time, and the profound family vibes keep you wanting to come back for more, but it's okay to pace yourself if you need a break from the darkness sometimes -- I took a week off here and there on both of my binges through the whole series. Take care of yourself!

Becky Mitchell

Can we give it up for Tim Curry here?? He has played some of the craziest characters and then turned around and done comedy. Did you know that he is in these episodes because he went to the same gym as Kristin (Penelope) and told her how much he loved the show and that he would love to guest star? And she told the producers, who probably jumped for joy at the idea of getting the original Pennywise to play a villain here. And is it weird that this is my comfort show? When I'm upset or whatever, I either watch this or Buffy. Both shows that I've watched since they began and have seen all the episodes multiple times.