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Mathilde BESSON

The incident with Booth and the clown is exactly why you guys in US have a gun issue. Almost anyone with a gun can lose it at some point and start shooting, and I'm not talking about shooting clowns. When you're angry, annoyed, frustrated or anything, it's easy to just press a trigger. It can happen with really good people who just lose their mind for a second. The more people have access to guns, the more incidents and tragedy you have... And I'm not saying that to criticize, every country works differently. But I love what the show did there, make the really great guy snaps and fires for no reason. The fact that he didn't even admit that it was wrong is kinda scary though


Okay, 2 new important characters. Special Agent Tim Sullivan, FBI agent and now free spirit. Dr. Gordon Wyatt, psychiatrist trained in forensic psychology. Gordon is played by Stephan Fry, he’s a SUPER smart English actor, broadcaster, comedian, director and writer. I absolutely love seeing him whenever he’s in a show/movie.