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Leroy Derange

You're not technically wrong but also I see it from Bone's perspective. She worked and dedicated her life to her job, Bursting her butt, while from time to time doing stuff she didn't like to further her career. Only to then not be notified that, that job was available only to now have to answer to someone they brought from outside the work place & state to do a job your having been striving for. I'd be an arse to.


Another new important character: Dr. Camille Saroyan, the new head of the forensic division at the Jeffersonian. She’s a pathologist so she deals with tissue, cells and body fluid samples. She was also the youngest corner in NYC. Based on this episode alone, I loved Cam already. Though we may love Bones, Cam IS the boss now and Bones needs to respect that if she wants to work there. I was definitely impressed with the fact that Cam didn’t back down when it came to Bones, she has the guts to stand her ground, at the very least. Now, I don’t think trying to intimidate Bones is a good way to go about gaining trust with her but, Bones also needs to be a little more humble because the world doesn’t revolve around her skills/talent/intellect…even if this is her show 😂