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Taylor Hagen

Dude William killing that guy was the definition of a public service murder., Mason probably had a good chance of not being charged. Even if Lucas still died or in prison I feel like Mason would find a way to continue killing

Becky Mitchell

The end of this episode, followed by waiting all summer to find out what happened..... torture! And the episode was already disturbing enough, especially when you see the shoes and realize how many people they killed.

Jenna Young

The previous episode and this episode combined but this episode has always disturbed me forever, especially the scene with them finding all of the pairs of shoes will forever haunt my mind. The ending scene with Aaron and the reaper always gets me so nervous every time i watch it, knowing what it's leading up to especially when it's accompanied by Aaron's voiceover with "and the day just.. ends." followed by the gunshot. I know what happens next for Hotch going forward and it still stresses me out and gives me pain because he is my number one favourite despite me loving Reid and the team too but I just never like to see Hotch in pain or hurt because it also hurts me.

Courtney O’Shea

It was a great season. Can’t wait to see more of your CM reactions.