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So today is the day a LOT of content rolls out to everyone. We have one more month till 2023, January is when I am going to try and tie everything back together from the chaos days that we experience in September. With that I hope most tiers can get a monthly schedule for their specific tier so you know where you're at and we get a little less wondering and asking than before. Here's to hoping that can happen in January. Also there is a chance that further adapting occurs, with the issues on YouTube tiers are actually much farther than they should be. I might just make it that distance permanently. We will see but that's possible. 


Marita Galaas Svendsen

That would be amazing! Then I don’t have to do math. 😂 I’m so bad at math. Checking when the top tier got posted. Them check how long it will be until it’s posted for my tier 😂

Shani Gribben

Same, especially since I'm mainly here for 2-3 shows