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All the lower tiers are actually ahead of schedule. 4 weeks is actually about 6-7 weeks. 10 weeks is actually about 12-13. 20 Weeks is on track with every show maybe even about 21 weeks early except for Grimm and Arrowverse. Grimm is behind and Arrowverse is a couple episode behind. Those are being focused on getting back on track then we will dive into the instant reaction stuff. 

12 Monkeys is almost over and we will be getting into a new show.

Thanks for patients, my summer was absolute hell with buying my first house, trips, and COVID but lets get this thing rolling like usual. Hopefully YouTube issues will be resolved soon, they're screwing me over right now with blocked videos so lets cross our fingers things resolve cause I know yall soooooooo dont want to be extra weeks ahead than usual.  


Nate Prouty

Thanks for posting these. I recently joined for the full length Arrowverse reactions and wondered about the status.


Can't believe 12 Monkeys is almost over lol but in retrospect, 4 seasons is short when binge watching it. Any release date for the next batch of 12 Monkeys episodes?