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David Brown

Just to play Devil's Advocate: It wasn't just a shock, it was that there was visible electricity. When you shocked Chloe or your friend, was there visible electricity?


Its not spoiler, but Iris share some speed force of barry. It will more reveal on Upcoming seasons. They share some Speed Force bond.

Staton Chapman

You come off as such an insensitive jerk sometimes. I like watching your reactions most the time tho

Lucile Byrd

I always thought of it more as the way she felt emotionally when she felt the shock from Barry both times more than just the visibility of the shock, as how she recognized him the 2nd time. As for Iris, she is very annoying this season (dont really remember if I like her more or less or the same in future seasons). This episode I can kind of understand that she is upset about Eddie being taken and thinking that because the Flash is not out searching 24/7 (as if he doesnt have a job or other people to help/other bad guys to stop) that he isnt doing anything to find him, but the main thing bugging me is a peeve I have in alot of shows, which is the fact that she seems to feel entitled to know Barry's secret of being the Flash. Even if they were dating, which they are not, she is not entitled to that info.