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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

As for my favorite episodes within all of season three... I love Vegas With Some Radish, City of Angels?, Quintessential Deckerstar, A Devil of My Word, Boo Normal, and Once Upon a Time. I would love to know which episodes this season are among your favorites as well. Please let me know! Sincerely, Heidi

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Once Upon a Time- What a phenomenal episode! I absolutely love this "what if" or alternate world episode. While it doesn't fit into the overarching storyline, I am absolutely grateful and happy that this episode was created and written to show us how our favorite characters' lives would be had God chosen to change one small event, revealed to us back in season two's episode... My Little Monkey. Chloe's father's life being spared the night he was shot and killed inside that bodega, instead of him dying all these years ago. So brilliant! First... I absolutely love how this episode is narrated by God, voiced by Neil Gaiman who is the creator of this version of Lucifer within the Lucifer comic. And I love how God poses the questions... would Lucifer and Chloe still have come together as though they are destined to find one another had her father survived that night, and are his choices to manipulate his son as he's done really so wrong, like Lucifer sees his father's actions to be? It's really brilliant writing and a brilliant way to bring to life an episode such as this. I absolutely love it!! Now... my overall favorite storyline throughout this episode is just as you would expect of mine to be. I absolutely love Lucifer's and Chloe's storyline that shows us that yes... no matter how God might have manipulated certain events in everyone's lives, there's no doubt that Lucifer and Chloe are meant to come together as friends, partners, and perhaps one day as lovers as well. I love seeing how Lucifer and Chloe meet in this alternate timeline, as Chloe... who winds up becoming a full time actress like her mother, rather than becoming a detective after her father upon his death had he actually died as he sadly does, works to investigate the death of her friend when the cops investigating his death write it off to be a brawl at LUX gone wrong. And because the murder took place inside LUX, Lucifer comes to take the innocent man's death very personally just like we've seen him do quite often throughout this show so far. Therefore, Lucifer comes to investigate his death as well, especially after Dan, who happens to be the cop who comes to be in charge of the investigation, mocks him and writes off the death to be inconsequential, and the investigation not worth his time. I absolutely love how Lucifer and Chloe then come to meet at the race track. Chloe is there posing as a detective, and not just any detective, but as Bonnie Janero... the name of her character in the five made Weaponizer movies she stars in within this timeline. And Lucifer uses his gifts to get in and upon meeting Chloe, he immediately recognizes her as Chloe Decker, knowing she's using her character's persona to try to investigate on her own. I love the humor that comes from them both trying to outsmart one another in order to see who can solve the case first, only for them to eventually come to work together when seeing that doing so would help them find the real killer better than by them working alone. I love the scene towards the ending when Chloe's father arrives to find Chloe after she and Lucifer succeed in solving her friend's murder. I love how Lucifer attempts to defend Chloe upon thinking John Decker is going to criticize or get angry with Chloe for doing his and the police's jobs for them, only for John to cut him off when he praises his daughter for finding the truth and solving her friend's murder. I love how John also expresses his life and pride for her, as well as his fear for her upon her putting her life in danger to do like he does everyday, given that he knows how it feels to be in danger often for being a cop. I love that his concern for her was because he was afraid she would be in danger, not because she couldn't handle being a detective. I also absolutely love observing Lucifer's facial expressions in this moment, as he comes to realize that John Decker and his own father aren't similar at all because John shows love and concern for his daughter, whereas in Lucifer's eyes... God doesn't ever do so for him. And I love how when Lucifer says as such to Chloe once her father leaves again to wrap up the case and to take the killer into custody, that she states that maybe one day Lucifer's father might surprise him and show his love like her father has done for her, to which Lucifer says that he won't be holding his breath for that day to ever come. And I can hardly blame him for thinking as he does for his father, after all the pain Lucifer has suffered since his fall into Hell. Next... I love seeing Lucifer confront the real killer in the end as well. The killer who turns out to be the stunt coordinator for the movie Chloe is currently starring in. I love seeing Lucifer reveal his red eyes to become the Devil in order to punish the killer, who then attempts to kill Lucifer by shooting him multiple times and then tries to run out of fear when Lucifer doesn't die, as Chloe suddenly appears to apprehend him. It's great how Chloe thinks the killer had grabbed a prop gun accidentally and tried to shoot Lucifer with it, after she had heard the shots and worried at first that Lucifer had been killed, and becomes relieved to see that Lucifer is just fine. This is fantastic, because if you remember from the Pilot... Lucifer was still invulnerable around Chloe when Jimmy, the record producer who had shot Chloe, also shot Lucifer six times and Lucifer was just fine. It isn't until season one's fourth episode... Manly Whatnots that we learn Lucifer has begun to be vulnerable around Chloe. And then in season three's two part finale... Quintessential Deckerstar and A Devil of My Word, it's finally revealed to us that Lucifer becomes vulnerable around Chloe because of his own growing feelings for Chloe, not because Chloe had already fallen in love with him way back then. Because she really didn't. Chloe came to appreciate Lucifer as her partner and as her friend, but nothing more. It isn't really until about halfway through season two that we see their feelings for one another come out. I absolutely love seeing all of this brought out again in such a way that is quite remarkable. And as for my favorite scene within this episode... I love the very ending when Lucifer and Chloe are sitting together on a bench overlooking the city, as Chloe expresses her interest in becoming a detective for real, to which Lucifer then smiles at her and expresses his own interest in joining her on her investigations. I just really, really love all of their interactions together throughout this episode, especially in this ending as we see how much Lucifer and Chloe have come to enjoy being in each other's company, and just how much they've grown to respect and care about one another in such a short time. Their relationship in this alternate timeline is almost just as beautiful as their relationship is for real. I absolutely believe that Lucifer and Chloe are meant to be. :) And in regards to this episode helping us to get to know John Decker and the kind of father he really was... I really love that this episode allows for us to get to know him. And I love seeing just how much he loves and cares about his daughter too. And getting to know who he is makes me all the more sad that he's been killed in the real timeline. His death shown in the beginning of season two's episode... My Little Monkey is very sad, but this episode makes me feel so much more sad. For John and Penelope, and especially for Chloe. Now... I also really love coming to see just how different each of the rest of this show's beloved characters would be upon John Decker's death being altered, some characters more so than others of course, but I really enjoy them all. First... we come to see that because Dan never meets Chloe because she never became a detective, he sadly continues down his dark path of corruption that we learned in season one had started with Malcolm and his partner, Anthony Paolucci, and other corrupt cops as well. And sadly, he comes to get worse and worse over the years, upon never being set down a better path thanks to Chloe and Lucifer. We also learn that Dan had been the cop put in charge of investigating Delilah's murder... the very first murder also from the Pilot episode, and that Dan writes off her death as a woman who had merely been killed because of drugs, rather than discovering the truth about Jimmy, her producer having been the one to kill her for the money coming in from her royalty checks and album sales. Thank goodness this isn't the life Dan falls down so completely in the real timeline. Tragically... because Chloe and Dan never wind up meeting, Trixie is therefore never born. And if you ask me, the world is much worse off without her in it. Trixie lights up everyone's day simply for being her, as Lucifer once puts it back in My Little Monkey. She's so spunky, happy go lucky, and just so adorable. :) As for Charlotte... because of the changes, she too remains in her corruptive lifestyle as a district attorney who continues to help her clients get away with murder, and other crimes. And while she never comes to be possessed by Charlotte, she never learns the lessons she learns from her tragic experiences upon having been in Hell during this time in the real timeline. And therefore, Charlotte never comes to regret and feel badly for all the bad things she's done in her life. She even comes to talking Lucifer into expanding LUX into a franchise starting in Las Vegas, and later comes to steal lots of money from Lucifer upon robbing him as well after she sees Lucifer put in the combination. Not good. Maze then threatens Charlotte upon catching her stealing from the Devil, but allows her to leave with his money anyways upon realizing she would prefer Charlotte to remain on her corrupt path so that one day, she will be able to torture her in Hell. But I will come back to Maze momentarily... The only good that comes from both Charlotte and Dan remaining on their destructive paths... if you can really say that anything that comes from their lives good, is that they both inevitably wind up together in both timelines, as they are seen running away together with Lucifer's money upon them coming to work together to rob him, since Dan has a deep hatred for Lucifer and takes real pleasure in stealing from him. As for Maze... I think the changes in her timeline is definitely fascinating, although strange to me as well. It's clear that Maze does still come to Earth with Lucifer and works for him in some capacity, but because she never comes to be friends with Linda, Chloe, Trixie, as well as Lucifer... therefore never becoming his equal as is established in season two's episode... Lady Parts, Maze too continues down a much darker path as well, as she's seen to have become the leader of a demon coven or cult of sorts. And I think it's clear that while she respects Lucifer as her boss and especially as the Devil, she doesn't come to see him as a friend and she doesn't really care much about him in any other way that's good. I mean... she allows Charlotte and Dan to steal from him. And what's even more strange... is that Lucifer doesn't at all seem too bothered by her lack of respect aside from him demanding her loyalty simply because of who he is. But like I said... I am certainly intrigued by what her life would have become had the original events never occurred. In regards to Amenadiel... sadly, we see that because Lucifer never comes into his own changes upon meeting Chloe like he does originally, Amenadiel never comes to care about Lucifer as his brother, and continues to come down to encourage Lucifer into returning to Hell. Amenadiel never comes to care about Maze, Linda, Chloe, Dan, and Trixie. He never comes to find peace and a happy life here on Earth among humanity, and therefore... he continues to think of humans as lesser beings than him and all other angels. And because of all this... we see that Amenadiel has come to be all the more lonely than he is in the early seasons of this show within the original timeline. So very sad. Ella is still absolutely adorable in this alternate timeline, even though she winds up remaining on her own former path from back when she used to steal cars, and comes to run what looks to be her own shady business inside a chop shop among the criminal underworld because Chloe ends up becoming an actress, who plays a character Ella comes to adore and deeply admire, which is why she becomes who she becomes. Also... I love that she makes a point to say that before she had seen Chloe in the Weaponizer movie as Bonnie Janero whom she comes to love so much, that she thought about taking a very different career path, indicating that she had considered becoming a forensic scientist until she sees Chloe in the movies. It's great! And in this timeline, it's revealed that Lucifer still comes to know Ella upon coming to see her every now and again for information. Not sure exactly what their business together really is, but I still really love Ella's character. It's also very interesting to see her with tattoos and extra piercings. And lastly... we come to see that because Lucifer never becomes her craziest and most rewarding of all her patients because they become such close friends, Linda eventually finds herself as a therapist with her own TV show that appears to be failing due to dying ratings. And sadly... Linda is confronted with a big moral dilemma, when she's given the choice to ignore her moral core so she can help boost her show's ratings by hurting one of her clients live on the air, or to do the right thing in protecting him. Unfortunately, the ending shows us that she winds up making the wrong choice to help save her show when her client is seen crying upon learning from Linda the news that his wife has been caught cheating on him. So, so sad. Because in the original timeline, Linda is loved for being the strong courageous woman brave enough to stand up for her morals as a therapists because she truly and deeply cares for her clients. It's really quite intriguing to see the changes in everyone's characters upon one small event being changed. It's amazing just how much one event can reshape everyone's lives, and yet it's very real for us too, as we all live through the changes in our lives. And you never know what one little event being changed could have done to make our lives different. I absolutely love this episode, and it's easily one of my favorite episodes within all of season three as well. These bonus episodes may be just bonus episodes, but I feel that they are definitely stronger than a lot of season three's episodes within the overarching storyline. I really enjoy every episode this season, but there are definitely a few episodes that stand out much stronger than the rest. And this one most definitely does. I love that the real God actually is a very real character within this episode in spite of us not being able to see him. I love how he narrates throughout this episode for us, as he talks about his decisions to manipulate certain aspects within the lives of this show's characters... especially in regards to Lucifer and Chloe in order to see what would have been had he done things differently. And while we still have yet to see why God has done all he's done... casts Lucifer out of Heaven and into Hell to make him a torturer supposedly in punishment for his rebellion, allows Lucifer to become vilified for all eternity, sends Amenadiel down to Earth over and over to try to force Lucifer back to Hell, allows Uriel to die at Lucifer's hands, and puts Chloe in Lucifer's path upon sending Amenadiel down to bless her parents so they can have a child, etc... I am most certainly all the more curious to see whether of not God truly loves Lucifer and is trying to be a good father and truly wants what's best for him just as he states within this episode, or if God is every bit the manipulative bastard Lucifer claims him to be. I truly hope we find out and come to see God become more of a character so we can learn the answers to these questions. :) Thank you so much again for your reaction for this beautiful episode!! I love just how different and unique this episode really is, and I really, really enjoyed watching your reaction for it like I always do, and I am so happy you enjoyed this episode too! And now... we're back into the major storyline being played out as it continues on in season four. I can't wait!!! Thank you, dear friend!! Until your next reactions... Sincerely, Heidi