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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Mr. and Mrs. Mazikeen Smith- Thank you so much for another fun reaction for Lucifer! I enjoy this episode. It's one of the first episodes where this show does mostly focus on Maze, and it's a lot of fun. I also really like that this episode gives Maze a chance to find herself, and that she eventually comes to discover she not only has roots because she has people who care about her and who she cares about in return waiting for her back home, but that she also has more of a soul than she ever thought was possible. She may not have a physical soul and therefore, she's still in danger of just dying should she ever be killed. However, she can feel. She's come to discover she can love, both her family at home, as well as romantic love like she surprisingly found with her latest bounty... Ben Rivers. However, in spite of her feelings for him, I'm grateful that Maze chooses to return home to her family upon her growing close to them over the years. Especially for Trixie's sake. I'm sure that everyone would have been a little hurt had Maze chosen to run off with him, but most of them would have come to understand. Trixie might not though, and I doubt Lucifer would have accepted her leaving to run off for love either. Maybe over time with Linda's and Chloe's help, but not for some time, given that Lucifer still struggles with understanding his own feelings, especially for Chloe. Upon hearing that Lesley-Ann Brandt is pregnant for the first half of this season, I was actually surprised we were given an episode so focused on her. Although, it's clear that those filming this episode refrained from showing her stomach as much as was possible throughout this episode like they typically do for their actors who are pregnant during the filming of their shows. And in the major action scene where Maze beats up the bad guys in the snow, it's clear that it's her stunt double being filmed, and Dan is also there to do some of the more physical fighting as well. I really like seeing Dan come to help Maze on his own vacation time, and I appreciate that even he shows that he cares about Maze as a friend to some degree. I will say that I do wish he had been in the episode more than he was, but his scenes were still fun. I especially like seeing him try to take on the big thug he punches to save Maze because he doesn't have his gun on him, only for him to get thrown down the snowy hill. Also... I love how in order to save Maze and Rivers from getting shot just before the fight begins, that Dan throws a snowball at Maze's head to distract the killers. Maze's face is very funny. As for Ben Rivers... I actually really like his character and I love his interactions with Maze. While I really love and appreciate that Maze returns home to stay close to her loved ones, a part of me also would have liked to see her run off with Ben too. I think that they would make a great couple. At the very least... I would like to see Ben return to the show someday. Overall... I just really enjoy this episode for Maze as a character. And I like Ben Rivers a lot, as well as the mystery that surrounds him, Lieutenant Herrera, and who he is working for. Like we see in the end, whoever the person is behind the curtain so to speak... has a file now on Maze, as well as on Lucifer, Amenadiel, Charlotte, and on an unknown character too. And it's quite possible this person is the Sinnerman, given that the Sinnerman is the big threat for this season. Very interesting. And lastly... I really like Chloe's concern for Maze throughout this episode as well, and how Lucifer seems so admit to believe she'll be just fine, until he later comes to see that Maze can become just as vulnerable as him when it comes to his feelings for Chloe. And upon seeing him among those in the end with Maze as they all toast to her coming home safely, it's clear that he's grown to understand more about his demon than he's ever really understood beforehand. And that he's grown to really care about her as a close friend, and not just as his demon protector. And I love this. :) This is a fun episode. I love the comedy when everyone is so concerned about Canada's safety upon Maze tracking her bounty there, knowing just how dangerous Maze can be. And I love the development in a number of the characters. From Maze, Chloe, and to Lucifer as well. So, thank you for another fantastic reaction! Like always... I can't wait for more Lucifer!! So until next time, my friend... Sincerely, Heidi