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It's so funny to see that you enter the 'angelic' part of the show and at the same time you watch Lucifer. For me it's a great first episode compared to previous seasons, there are a lot of mysteries and questions that arise. Sam is playing with fire here, he's using his powers and apparently he's evolving, he's lying to Dean about that and also for the case of Ruby, who's back in another form. Dean, who wants to face the truth and learns that angels exist even though he's skeptical. I especially notice that the brothers lied to each other in this episode, and god knows what they can still hide from each other, it creates a new dynamic. In any case, 5 episodes of supernatural per week, you spoil us, good news.


Well welcome to the show Castiel :D


I figured someone would have told you that watching the preview for the first episode of a season is safe. It's just a rehash of the previous season. That would have helped ease you into the start of this episode, which could be a bit much as it jumps right into it. I'm afraid you are going to be spoiled on things regardless of your policy, and people will insist what they wrote isn't a spoiler. It's going to happen from comments for this very first episode of the season. IT's as if they can't help themselves.

Jeffrey Mlinek

You may need a screener for comments. It's difficult for people to realize what can be a spoiler for someone who never saw the show and wants no inclination about what happens.


Great episode and start of the season. It really intrigues and leaves so many questions. I agree about spoilers from now on... People don't understand that something might be a spoiler. It's a good thing that youtube is far behind, though, because people might suggest things that you will know by then.


did someone tell you by now that rubys actress married the guy who plays sam? they have three kids by now :D