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I’m worried about this show. I love it but... it is currently polling as the worst show on my channel. If it doesn’t change after season 2 I will be forced to drop it and pick up another scheduled show. I hope it changes cause I have greatly enjoyed it so far.


Signe (Seena) Stewart

I hope the interest picks up on YouTube, because it truly is an amazing show! With a massive fanbase. I hope you carry on, but I understand completely wanting it to be worthwhile.


Yep, I hope it will get more views bc this show is worthy of the time you spend in it.


Dude it is one of my top favs! Vikings got me interested in all the mythology and the history is so fascinating. It’s not talked much in the history books

Sydni Cockerham

don't give up, the Vikings is a good show even if you don't keep reacting to it you should still watch it

Laugh Data

Same. I enjoy the other reactions, but i pledged high tier for Vikings.


Vikings are much different show than TVD or TW so some people dont like it. Personally I think Vikings as show is pretty good but not my kinda show. Also of course you can watch it on your own if you have to drop it (:


Just pledged $15 for this show alone so I sure hope you will continue.


I hope that there will be more interest as you put more videos out there. Since it is a show that has been out for a while, I think people might need more episodes to show that you have something worth watching. Once you get into season 2, I hope that will be enough for people to subscribe and watch you. I just got into it myself and I love it. But I always liked the Norse Gods so I knew it would be something I would enjoy.