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The rewards have been changed/updated if you go over and take a look. I will begin to start the transition for those rewards. This transition will take about a week or two. So I have decided to use my week off as a way of helping it. So next week as we end this month and begin a new one I will be out of town. The new transition will begin with new seasons for each show. So Season 2 of Teen Wolf and Season 6 of TVD. I shall release a schedule with dates soon. TVD full length for the final two episode of Season 5 go up soon for everyone Tier II and higher. This phase is slow but once we get through it everything returns to normal. For those who don’t know. Tier II and III is going to be a week ahead and Tier IV and V will be two weeks ahead.


Chad Williams

ive got highest tier already so im good


Can't wait for s2 of TW and s6 of TVD reactions !