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Kat Fleur

I agree with the above posts. This JJ & Reid plot line was total BS & nothing but fan service. It goes against JJ’s character to have her risk her family like that. They dropped the ball when they didn’t put them together in Season 1-2. After that we’ve only viewed them act as ‘siblings’ & nothing more.


i am in the minority i think, but i actually appreciated JJ confessing this to Reid. You can love more than one person, and you can love people (romantically, platonically etc) in different ways. I have always felt that JJ loved Reid. And that Reid loved JJ. But JJ and Will’s love is different, and they both know that. JJ also trusts Reid, and Reid would never use this against her, so while it is painful that it came out like this, i think it was cathartic for JJ to finally let that secret go, and clear the air. I think confessing it let her off the hook. And i think it was cathartic for Reid to. I think getting that confirmation of what he always wondered gave him the strength to let go. A little bit of pain here is going to give them both the peace they need later. I am very much aware that i have the unpopular opinion here though