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Happy Holidays ZZZ Size fans! (SiZZZe Fans? that could be the fandom name?)

All good or in this case big and small things must come to an end, but is it really the end? Let me know if you guys enjoyed this series and ending and I might put a spin off or sequel in development!  Its bitter sweet to conclude one of my oldest series but I am glad to give an ending to the fans on this one.

Speaking of our older series, next month we have Resizer Part 4 with the same artist as Zenith Scepter! It will pick up right where part 3 left off! Shrinking and both male and female growth!  

For 2024 if the Grown artist gets his current assignment done, we may finally continue with Farm Grown Summer or one of the other series he worked on in the past.  I'd like to get Bigness Cream artist working either on a new spin off for Cream or AGW Early Days part 2.  I'll probably get a poll going in December to help decide. Last but not least I am reviewing several new artists for new stories running around in my head and or sequels to stuff that hasnt been worked on in a while because the original artist isnt available anymore. Regardless, plenty of growth content and I also would like to give the Farm Grown Indiegogo another shot. I am hoping some of you will be interested in supporting it! I'll post more info as I get closer to releasing it.  

Growth Packs will be sent out later today if you are in that tier.  Giant sized Gwen Stacey!




Great ending! although it felt a little rushed, like it could have gone on for at least one more issue.