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The downloads folder is now available. I'll update the pinned post at some point over the next few days but you can find the folder HERE. Not everything in the folder got an update but I would start fresh by deleting everything and re-installing the entire folder.

Delete all previous file versions before installing the new ones. Also, with this update there is a higher chance you will get an error that your save won't load. Please follow the instructions in the 'Update Your Save' section of my site HERE.

🛑 Before you install these new mods BACKUP YOUR SAVES!!! I don't anticipate issues but I've created some new scripts so it's better to be safe. 🛑

Make sure you have the Xml Injector installed and you remove any applicable files, you can review some basic info about that HERE.

Most of you should have been added to the new folder but if you're still having issues please give me until tomorrow before letting me know. I fixed them a couple of weeks ago but I've been so busy updating files that I haven't had a chance to double check them.

Last Minute Addition:

I've also included a quick fix for the juice fizzing machine. I didn't really spend a lot of time troubleshooting the issue but it looks like the machine will say 'Ready' and not let you interact with it. I had the same issue without mods so I'm assuming it's a glitch that needs to be fixed. If you load your lot and you have this issue you can shift-click on the machine and choose the new option I added to 'Reset' it and you should be able to use it. I'll take a more in-depth look at it later but it should allow you to craft drinks.

Potential Conflicts:

I do not use SCCOR with my content but I've taken a quick look at it, and since it looks like we use completely different scripts to add our custom ingredient tags they shouldn't conflict. Nearly all of my Core Mods, recipes, and ingredients are new or injected resources, so they should not conflict with SCCOR or any other food modder's content.

The only files that could have an issue are my optional Core Modules and a few resources in some of my mods that may conflict with a tiny percentage of other mods. The chance of a conflict is so low I won't list them here, but you can review the download pages on my site for more info.

New Python Scripts:

This is my first time creating new Python scripts and they've been tested with a small group of people without issue, but if you have any problems with them let me know. Also, I don't go out of my way to track or accommodate other creator's mods, but please let me know if you come across any game-breaking conflicts so I can fix them.

I wanted to give a big thanks to Lot51 for their Notebook Injector code, and both Lot51 and Frankk for all the amazing tools they have available on their sites. 🙏❤️🤗 Also, a big thank you to everyone on the Creator Musings Discord, where there is a huge wealth of knowledge and a ton of tutorials available.

Changelog Overview:

You'll find an overview of the most important info from the changelog below to get you started. I forgot a few things in the livestream, like custom notebook entries. If I get some time I'll either do another stream or make a quick video to show you guys all the stuff I missed.

Crafted Ingredients |

(this applies to most, not all, crafted ingredients)

  • Added ↪ 'Shelf-Stable' items (ingredients that don't need refrigeration like milk or juice) will not start to spoil until they have been opened. That means that those crafted goodies can now double as decorative items as long as you don't take any servings from them! It can also make a retail shop easier to maintain.
  • Added ↪ Ingredient value will now vary slightly between batches/servings. Quality will affect the value more significantly, decreasing it for Poor quality and increasing it for Excellent quality.
  • Added ↪ An ingredient's value will now also decrease once you take a serving from it. This means that your sim will no longer be able to sell an empty bag of flour for the same price as a full bag.
  • Changed ↪ It took a TON of playing with numbers and ingredient costs but all crafting base prices have been updated to align with EA's recipe costs.
  • Fixed ↪  I'm pretty sure I've found and fixed the issue that caused Sims to autonomously eat ingredient servings.
  • Fixed ↪ All ingredients should be able to be placed in the retail fridge now
  • Changed ↪ Descriptions have been updated to be more immersive and ingredient types are included as well. Ingredients with an asterisk (*) are EA ingredient types, which make that ingredient compatible with any in-game or custom recipes that use that ingredient type.
  • Added ↪ Bulk ingredients should now be able to be gifted to other sims if you have Seasons installed
  • Added ↪ Most ingredients should now be compatible with the Maker trait's making materials buff
  • Fixed ↪ Canning and Cheesemaking will now give the correct quality ingredient based on the Sim's skill
  • Changed ↪  Quality will now affect the value of the ingredient
  • Fixed ↪ You can no longer sell store-bought items to the Farm Fresh Co-op, they must be crafted by a sim in the household to be sold to the Co-op.

Food & Drink |

NOTE: There is an EA issue where the UI breaks with these cooking/crafting menus if 'Use Fresh Ingredients' is unchecked and you click on a recipe dropdown. It's not a game-breaking issue, doesn't cause any errors, and will fix itself if you leave the menu and come back but it's a nuisance. If you aren't going to be using ingredients and you want to avoid this issue then find the recipe you want to craft first and then uncheck 'Use Fresh Ingredients' right before selecting.
  • Fixed ↪ I've gone through all recipes in-depth to fix a bunch of stuff and make sure everything is tagged correctly to work with all the new cooking mechanics and fix many smaller issues. All steps in the recipe have been revamped to be unique and not just a copy of an EA recipe.
  • Fixed ↪ A LOT of recipes were still tagged as meat, making Vegetarian sims sick. I'm so sorry I missed these. They should all be fixed now!
  • Changed ↪ It took a TON of playing with numbers and ingredient costs but all cooking costs and retail prices have been updated to more closely match EA's recipe costs. Prices still reflect the cost of ingredients; in most cases, it should never cost more to make the recipe than it does to buy ingredients.
  • Changed ↪ Most recipes will no longer cost simoleons to make in an attempt to align with the changes that EA has made to their recipes. That being said, most recipes will also require 1 Base Game ingredient or Base Game 'Any' ingredient so sims would still need to pay for a meal they don't have ingredients for.
  • Changed ↪ I also lowered a lot of the level requirements for my custom recipes to make them more accessible to sims
  • Changed ↪ I updated all cooking/crafting menus to the new format that uses category filters. It looks like EA did not update ALL their recipe tags, so please remember that EA recipes may not show up in the proper filter categories right now.
  • Changed ↪ Some cookbook categories have been condensed to make more sense with the new filtering capabilities in cooking/crafting menus. Some of these still don't make much sense (like having a fish category in cakes or a sweets category in soups) but they'll have to work until I find a way to make new ones.
  • Added ↪ Prepped ingredients now work with my custom recipes, where it makes sense. If you have Home Chef installed you will notice that there are new types of prepped ingredients available. You must have the recipes installed to craft them, which is a separate download.
  • Added ↪ Some of my custom ingredients, like dough or canned ingredients, will reduce the cooking time of select recipes. This is different than the Prepped Ingredients feature, as this new feature is Base Game and doesn't replace ingredients. Instead, when sims use the ingredient it will reduce the number of steps in a recipe and give your sim a buff. If the recipe uses an ingredient that will reduce the cooking time, it will be stated in the recipe description as "⏰ INGREDIENT Reduces Cook Time."
  • Added ↪ All recipes should now be compatible with a variety of traits and mechanics from other packs, like Freegan and Werewolves.
  • Added ↪ You can now choose any decorated version of my custom recipes as options for Restaurant menus.
  • Added ↪ Custom drink menus to all Bars
  • Added ↪ Custom food now has a chance to be cooked autonomously by sims. Categories include: Homestyle, Vegetarian, Lactose-Free, Healthy, Gourmet, and Baking.
  • Added ↪ All custom recipes now have a chance of being made by sims when they're hungry, both single and group recipes

Cheesemaking Ingredients |

  • I've overhauled cheesemaking:Cheese 'Curing' is now referred to as 'Ripening' to differentiate it from Preserving. Ripening has several flavor stages; Unripened, Bland, Mild, and Robust.
    Pressed cheese will start to ripen as soon as it's crafted and no longer needs a preserving shelf to ripen.
    Similar to Nectarmaking, pressed cheese will now increase in value as it ripens.
    Cheese Quality is now determined by skill.
    Pressed cheese works like my other shelf-stable ingredients and will no longer start to spoil until it's been sliced. You can pass your cheese down to your grandkids or just leave it on the counter as decoration!
    You are now able to take a slice of cheese before it has ripened to use as an ingredient or to eat. Be aware that if cheese is 'Unripened' then it's considered a Raw Food which could make your sim sick if they eat it.
    All ingredients have been updated and prices have been adjusted to be more inline with EA's
    Descriptions have been updated to be more immersive and ingredient types are included as well. Ingredients with an asterisk (*) are EA ingredient types, which make that ingredient compatible with any in-game or custom recipes that use that ingredient type.
    All Cheesemaking ingredients now have a notebook entry
    I've added a 'Cheesemaking Reference' notebook entry that will give you a brief overview of the mod. You can add it to your notebook by shift-clicking on the Mailbox or Brazen Homestead Craftbooks in the BrazenLotus Debug category.


Various Ingredients |

  • Changed ↪ all construction ingredient objects moved to Construction Ingredient Recipes download - you must install this file to use or craft them

Transfer Inventory |

  • Added ↪ I added few more in-game items to work with my transfer inventory interactions
  • Added ↪ This now works on fridges and storage chests and boxes.
  • Changed ↪ Some categories have been adjust to include/exclude some ingredients
  • Fixed ↪ Some bulk ingredients were unable to be placed and should be fixed now

Prepped Ingredients & Compatibility |

  • Changed ↪ Prepped ingredients can now be used with my custom recipes, where it makes sense
  • Added ↪ All of my custom ingredients are now compatible and I've added some additional compatibility for the following (⟳ = replaces):
  • Sweet Batter ⟳ Any Sweetener
  • Lactose-Free Sweet Batter ⟳ Any Sweetener, Any Lactose-Free Milk
  • Cookie Dough ⟳ Butter, Any Eggs, Any Sweetener
  • Prepped Fish ⟳ Any Seafood
  • Added ↪ Support for new types of custom Prepped Ingredients

Recipe Ingredients |

  • Added ↪ two glasses of nectar, a Red Blend and a White Blend, that can be made at the bar


Mendota Kelly

Everything is working. Thank you, the upgrade was smooth and easy.


Wow, so awesome how tidy the folder is. Thank you kindly. I may have missed, but whipped cream and butter are no longer a thing, correct? I did notice that I cannot find them on your website any longer. Thank you.


Butter will be back, I was trying to get it updated this week but it's looking more like next week. Canned whipped cream was retired but I have a new whipped cream ingredient for you with some other new ingredients this weekend :)