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While I was working on updates I was wondering (because my mind is always wandering lol), do you all prefer a recipe using a specific ingredient (Bread Flour) or a type of ingredient (Any Flour)? I'm trying to determine which direction I want to go with a future project. Feel free to explain or leave suggestions in the comments below!


Courtney Bocci

Don't the MTS custom food and drink mods do the same thing as SCCO? I have the MTS ones, but not SCCO.

Puking king

I cannot play my game without SCCO, and it would be a big plus if a considerable number of ingredients were shaped around SCCO's. However, I cannot deny that the main reason why I am a patron of yours is because of your attention to detail. I love that you have your cake flour, bread flour, and so on - and that they give a certain number of measurements as the wrapper folds and becomes empty. I would have to say that a mix of both would be preferable.


I honestly have no idea lol. That's why I like to ask and see what you all are using and how best I can work around it :D