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Anyone who was having issues getting into the downloads folders should have access now. If you're still having an issue let me know and I can look into it.

Also I'm going to be late on uploads. I'm sitting here in tears because somehow all my files were deleted from my mods folder and they're not in my recycle bin. I'm waiting for google drive to finish syncing and I'm hoping I can recover them that way. I'll post an update as soon as I figure out where they are or what I can salvage from my computer. If anyone has any ideas on where else I can look or how to fix this please share below!



Best of luck to you

Mendota Kelly



I was just coming to comment. I have used EaseUS in the past to recover files. It does work. I am so sorry this happened to you. If there's anything I can help with..we can help with..please let us know.


Also, could it be possible you moved them on accident? In Windows if you go to 'this pc', it will list recent files and maybe they'd be there if they got moved.


Oh jeez, that's horrifying!!! Do you have mac time machine or PC backup recovery on? If your computer has automatic backups on, it can go back to before those files were deleted. I'm so sorry, I hope you can recover your stuff. I've gone through that before and cried quite openly about it. One time with my phone and another with my old PC. I've used Wondershare before for recovering stuff, I hope it can help! Sending hugs your way.


Thanks everyone for your advice. I checked my computer and couldn't find them anywhere. I also tried to use EaseUS but it didn't pull anything up either. The weird thing is I was in the middle of merging files with S4S and when I went to save I saw all the folders were there but they were empty. Like I literally just opened the files in S4S from the mods folder and by the time I went to save it everything was gone. I think it has something to do with Google drive and the backup/sync portion of google drive when I switched over to the new desktop version. For whatever reason it never picked up my mods folder when I first switched over - that's why I couldn't access it when I was in Oklahoma. I came home and never looked at fixing the syncing issue because I've been so busy. Then yesterday it was running in the background and said it had an error and when I looked at the history last night it showed all the files that were in my mods. So I went to my Google Drive trash and found the files, but they were all older versions of them. I think Google backup/sync glitched out and messed something up. I think installing the new Google Drive using a prompt from the old one probably is what screwed it up in the first place. I should have uninstalled the old version then installed the new version. Anyway, long story short I recovered older versions of the files and need to sift through it all and see what I'm working with. I uninstalled and re-installed the drive and re-connected everything and it's working perfect now but I'm also going add some recovery and backup points on my PC as well to keep this from happening again. I'm very fortunate though because I keep ALL my templates in my mods folder when I'm creating and I don't know where I'd be right now if I didn't have them.


I'm having issues still. Access still denied...:-(