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Hey all, I just wanted to let you know that my son is finally out of the hospital tomorrow. I know I didn't go into any detail but he had a collapsed lung and ended up needing surgery since it's the second time it's happened this year. He actually bounced back pretty quickly so after I get him back to his apartment tomorrow afternoon I'll start my drive back. It's a bit of a drive but I should be back at my desktop and creating again by Saturday night.

I tried to download those files I was going to upload remotely but because I switched to the new version of Google Sync and didn't double-check the settings before I left I wasn't able to access my WIP folders. It probably wouldn't have mattered anyway because this is the first time I've been able to really get online since I left. While we were waiting for my son to get out of surgery my husband went on a coffee run and someone crashed into him. He's a little hurt but nothing too serious thank goodness, but the car was damaged pretty badly. I haven't had much time to do anything between being with my son, taking care of my husband, and trying to make sure the car is safe for the trip home. 

Pink Lotus should see a post for the separated bed sets because those were actually saved to this laptop and I'll have a WIP update and some more downloads available late Sunday. 

Thank you all for your patience!



You had a lot on your plate! So good that your son is doing better. Don’t forget to care for yourself too and rest!


Happy your son is doing better. Take car of yourself and your family.


Omg...A lot of things happened to you:(( Wish your family members be healthy. Take care of yourself too. Hugs.


Glad to hear he is on the mend and doing well. Take care of yourself too, mama, and have a safe drive!


Have a good rest, I think you and your family need some time to relax now.

Pamela White

Oh my goodness! I am glad everyone is ok.

Juliet Plays Sims

Take gentle care of yourself, your son, and your hubby and don't stress about all of us. There's nothing more important than your family and we'll all wait patiently for you my dear! Squishes, lots of love, and prayers sent your way! <3


Please, especially since you've given a heads up, don't worry right now about Patreon. Take care of your family. Stay safe and healthy. Thank you for the update.

Ree Barkla

Good news your son is out of the hospital. all of you stay safe and well.

Mendota Kelly

Take care. I am happy that your son is doing well. You must be tired... Don't worry about modding.


Hope your son is continuing to be on the mend!


Thank you all for your positive comments, you are all so wonderful! 💗🥰💖