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A list of updates with any updated files attached below. 

Downloads Folder on Site:

  • Fizzing & Woodworking folder created under 'Crafting' for new recipes
  • moved 'MOD_brazenlotus_BG_CraftingIngredients' to Crafting folder
  • added Beebox recipe to Woodworking folder
  • changed name of Woodworking Beebox Recipe so delete the old version and install this one instead

Crafting Ingredients

  • added override of compost pile so you can use as an ingredient
  • updated tuning for interaction that allows you to purchase ingredients on computer
  • fixed issue where you could only select one crafting ingredient at a time from the purchase menu
  • added ingredient tunings
  • added dorm storage as an option for ingredient storage
  • made it so small garden pot is live-draggable
  • made crafting ingredients recyclable into bits & pieces


  • moved ingredient tunings to Crafting Ingredients


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