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I know it was supposed to be done yesterday but I got kinda behind because I spent 2 days creating a script and remaking the produce stands because I didn't realize they were missing the dirt overlays. 

Originally I was going to give you all a bare bones version of this lot to update as we go but once I started I just couldn't give you something half-assed. If you happen to not be a Lot-Owner next month I wanted to make sure you could still use what I made.

I've added a few basic vendor stalls and so far have added a market stall for: Preserves, Paintings, Spices, Fish, Produce, Flowers, and Garden Supplies along with an outdoor area with tents for Sims who want to place their sales table. There is one empty stall and the two areas in front with the van, truck, and hay bales I left empty so you can decorate them based on the season or holiday.

What's really cool is when I was digging around for the old version of the spilled bushel basket I found out why the stock table action wasn't working and fixed it. I spent a good chunk of time perfecting the code for this and even added an option to take whatever you've put in the basket instead of dragging everything over. Check out the video below:


Anyway, I made some really neat looking rustic wood floors to match all the other woods and finally fixed the market tent and it looks AHmazing :) I also remeshed the Jungle Adventure baskets to look a bit better for storing produce. Tonight I'm going to create some code so you can put the tent in your inventory so you can take it along with your sales table and if I have some time I wanted to separate some of those smaller crates to use as decoration. Oh, and I have a crate I made that functions like a chest so you can store stuff in it. I'm going to give that to you all with this lot but I'll be adding more colors to it soon and adding a sticker slot to it so you can essentially label it. 

I have to landscape a little and add some terrain paints and it's done, fingers crossed by tomorrow. It turned out to be a great looking lot, I'm ridiculously proud of this one.



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