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During the several months Omilaena had been in the capital, she'd been contacted by the Council of Elders only twice. Both times surreptitiously, via elves traveling to the library on real business and quietly asking questions about the demonic movements. They were no longer depending on her as a major source of information, which suited her just fine because she had higher personal priorities. Better not to be at the beck and call of any government.

But they did still technically have a connection to the Elven Wilds, as she was reminded when she got a summons directly to the embassy.

"Why would they do this?" Zae Zin Nim asked as the two of them flew across Traeton. "I thought the entire point of our mission was that they could disavow any connection to us."

"The situation must have changed," Omilaena said, meaning that they were getting desperate.

"What could have such an impact? Is this conference so important?"

"I know you like to focus on cultivation, but you need to poke your head out sometimes. This is a meeting between the greatest nations on Rosemount and it could shape the continent for a generation."

"I can understand politics," Zae Zin Nim said, hiding her sulk. "Tell me about what's going on, then. Is that why there are so many troops moving around the city?"

"You've sensed that, huh?" Omilaena gestured forward at the political district that was their destination. "Crescilor and the Elven Wilds have sent representatives, though not large groups. All the small nations will be joining in too, but their forces are expected to be negligible."

"Which leaves... the Flaeren Dominion and the Coiled Empire."

"Those are the major players, yes. Actually, let me show you."

The Krysali vessel shifted course to sweep over the eastern edge of the city. She automatically thought that Kai was training in the far northeast, but he would be far from sight - the relevant part was the large tents set up southeast of the city. The symbol of the Flaeren Dominion was clearly emblazoned on all of them, obvious even to outsiders. Anyone with spiritual sight could sense that they'd brought hundreds of warriors.

"That's a small army." Zae Zin Nim's voice had grown much softer. "How can they justify invading the Commonwealth like this?"

"They say it's for the protection of their delegates, due to the demons, but of course that's partially an excuse." Omilaena made a vague gesture to the south. "The Coiled Empire actually worries everyone more, because they didn't send anyone at all."

"Refusing to participate in the conference, either implying disinterest in peace or mistrust."

"Right, plus the Empress isn't coming in person. Since Matiavel is hosting the meeting, the Windlord will be attending, and the Council of Elders is sending a representative, refusing to join makes her seem arrogant or weak. Either is a bad sign."

"So... the Flaeren Dominion army and all the political factors are making the elves nervous?"

"Actually, it could be the Commonwealth itself. Don't forget about them." Omilaena arced north of the city, where the gold and white forces were assembling. "The demons don't usually interact with the main army, but one does exist. Apparently under the new leadership, the Commonwealth Trade Guild has been investing in the military. The army is supposedly here to keep order, but no one really trusts them."

"A complex situation." Zae Zin Nim sat quietly for a time. "I hoped that our help would prevent all of these distractions."

"We might have helped prevent an immediate war, but everyone is still on opposite sides. This could be a step toward a new treaty or the beginning of conflict. I assume that some problem related to all this is why the elves decided to call us in."

Technically Omilaena could have flown them to the elven embassy quicker than that, but she thought it was worthwhile to have Zae Zin Nim fully aware of the situation. Though she thought of many details as beneath her, she could be sharp when she focused. If this situation proved as complex as it looked, political awareness might be more important than strength.

When they arrived at the elven embassy, which was like a block of flowing sandstone dropped into the center of the pale city, they were escorted in immediately. Barely anyone even spoke to them until they reached an inner room, where Ceryyn was sipping from a cup. As soon as she saw them, she rose to her feet and beamed.

"My old friends! It's so lovely to see you again!"

She seemed earnestly overjoyed to see them, her glamour radiating with unintentional strength. Ceryyn seemed to be completely heterosexual, but Omilaena definitely wasn't and she had to resist the automatic pull. If this became complex enough she might need to use an injection - only the risk of things becoming even more complex prevented her.

"I'm sorry to call on you again like this." Ceryyn's face fell as if she really was mortified and Omilaena had to wonder whether it was an act or she hid her emotions so little. "You were a great help to the Council of Elders before, and you had avoided any consequences to yourselves. We had hoped to allow you your freedom until you could come to receive your boons."

"What happens if the demons label us as spies?" Omilaena demanded.

"I don't think they could associate you with previous events. As critical as your information was, the Council of Elders ultimately based their decision on many factors in the north. If you haven't already heard, we think the Commonwealth was hoping to incite us into acting first, then counter-attacking. We fear that this conference might be much the same."

"What are they actually discussing?" Zae Zin Nim asked.

"Oh, all the usual politics between nations. The difference is that some want to declare more neutrality for merchants, in particular the CTG. That would give them an edge to spread the Commonwealth's control over many smaller nations."

"And you want to stop that?"

"Stop that? I'm not so ambitious." Ceryyn blinked at them in surprise. "I'm just an elder of one city, not a member of the Council. No, my primary worry now is that the demons may be repurposing all the anti-glamour obelisks they failed to use against us before. This could potentially be a trap to try to assassinate some of our strongest."

Omilaena hadn't been considering such blunt tactics, but it definitely matched the modus operandi of some of the demons. Still... "We know some about them, but surely you have your own experts."

"Not any who would be allowed easy entrance to the most important buildings. That's why I need you. Umm, is Kai here?"

"He's training outside the city."

"That's very unfortunate, but time is of the essence." Ceryyn fidgeted in her seat, eyes locked on some distant point outside the window. "I need keen eyes more than strong arms right now. The CTG wants some of our elders to meet them in a supposedly neutral location near the seat of government. I will be going to make arrangements... I hoped that you could come with me as representatives of the Great Library and investigate for hidden obelisks."

"You realize this will burn us." Omilaena sat forward, piercing the glamour to focus on the elven woman. "Anyone who investigates will eventually speculate that we might be involved."

"I'm aware that we're imposing greatly on you. But the Council of Elders has officially said that if you assist us in this conference, the rewards you're already owed will be elevated to greater boons. That means everything in our power, including access to the Primal Loom."

Immediately Omilaena's mental calculus shifted, though not as clearly as Zae Zin Nim's flat glance seemed to suggest. Yes, the Primal Loom could give them a unique boost to their power, but it was ultimately only a little strength. Her research at the Great Library was finally so close to results that she even knew which books she needed to search. The knowledge she found there could ultimately be the path to far greater power.

"I suppose we need to discuss it?" Zae Zin Nim said hesitantly. Omilaena shook her head.

"Not unless you have reservations," she said. "We go separately at different times, but we'll investigate the building for you."

"Oh, thank you!" Ceryyn leapt up and nearly clasped her hands. "Perhaps you should go first, and I will join you at the scheduled time. That way there will be less apparent collusion between us. We really would love it if there is no need to fear and you can continue here, but the risks..."

Omilaena just nodded. She wasn't as convinced that it would go so smoothly, but if the great powers were really getting together, the details might get crushed in the process. If they got what they wanted, some spying, murder, and sabotage would all be water under the bridge.

She and Zae Zin Nim flew across the city to the government district. They'd been avoiding it ever since the dangerous first visit and there was no reason to believe that it would be any less risky now. Some demons might be on their best behavior, but that wouldn't apply to those like Lilaetiel. At least there would be numerous other powers there who could balance things out.

Unless the demons really were planning an assassination. Though Omilaena judged that improbable, it wasn't outside the realm of possibility. If she had been an elven elder, she would have wanted to be especially sure as well.

When they arrived and Omilaena showed the guards her identification, they were allowed inside the great glass building. It was already burning bright even though it was mid-day, as if prepared for the meetings to extend long into the night. The two of them began investigating the meeting rooms, looking both for any spiritual disturbances and any signs of recent construction or remodeling. But everything looked quite old to her except for a few new decorations.

"I'm not sure I could detect the obelisks if they were hidden," Zae Zin Nim whispered. "Their effect is subtle, and even at Earth Soul, I cannot perceive everything."

"Just do the best you can. I think other clues will be more important." Omilaena was primarily watching the demons and identifying them. She only saw two pure demons, neither of them someone she knew as a regular feature at the capital or anyone Troulon mentioned. That fact, and the demonic arts users who seemed in greater abundance, were strong signs that this meeting was being governed by the CTG.

If that was true, then it was a mark against the assassination theory. As far as she knew, the obelisks had been produced primarily by the artisan faction, which was no longer on good terms with the CTG and their new leadership. Still, it was best if they investigated the building thoroughly.

An unusual number of shrouds in one of the meeting rooms ahead pulled Omilaena from her analysis. Clearly there were important members already present, preparing for the meetings. That alone was expected, but Omilaena felt a deep sense of disquiet. Not like a presence she knew, but there was something familiar...

When they reached one of the conference rooms, Omilaena had a split second's glimpse through the door and she saw her. A voluptuous woman in a flowing dress, with silver hair and silver eyes. More importantly, the shroud around her soul couldn't hide the fact that she was a Silver Demon.

Omilaena moved instantly, grabbing Zae Zin Nim around the waist and mouth. She pulled the other woman deeper into the hall, hiding them both in a dark corner. It surprised her that Zae Zin Nim didn't struggle at all and actually seemed calm despite being grabbed like that.

"What is it?" she asked as soon as the hand was removed.

"Isn't that the Silver Demon you told me about?" Omilaena asked.

Zae Zin Nim moved forward carefully, then shrank back with a quiet gasp. "That's Anaelina. Why is she here?"


Fast Lance

Seems like the elves are up to no good?


Here it is! The book's inflection point. I'm ready for everything to fall apart. I'm suprised these meetings are happening this soon since it seems to be implying that all-out war is about to occur, and the trio have no choice but to participate. I thought that'd be the penultimate conflict of book 4, much less book 3. Then again, it could still be that and this meeting could simply blow out into a large conflict, but not total war. Anaelina has finally appeared. Given how quickly Troulon's Power rose after he started learning demonic arts, I'm guessing Anaelina is equal to ZZN and Omilaena each right now. The question is whether she's a final boss or just a midboss like, ironically, Omilaena in book 2. If she's a final boss, ZZN is absolutely the one to take her down. If she isn't, and I think this is likelier, she's going to cause political trouble and bring attention to ZZN and Omilaena, which may be the reason why Ceryyn came to Kai for help. In that case, I can see Kai eventually being the one to take her down, and considering he's eaten both demons AND people already, he'll have zero compunction about eating her. She'd already tried to do the same to him and she's not worth showing remorse to. But I suppose the real show here is the meeting of the great powers. With such a complex situation that's still developing, there's really no way to accurately predict anything. The Empress being absent is certainly a hint, and right now, I'm leaning towards her being weakened. Unless she's the secret final boss of Rosemount, she's probably been struck by one of the other great powers or was already weak from a previous war. If it's the former, I suppose making it be Matiavel who struck the blow would be a good way of building him up as a primary antagonist, perhaps not for this book, but for book 4. Since we also know that the Windlord came, I suppose we're about to see Tormundon in action. Perhaps helping the trio once everything hits the fan? I highly doubt he's going to be an antagonist at this point. It'd be nice to have another strong ally on their side, especially one from the Flaeren Dominion. He may even be their guide into the region once they're done with the Commonwealth. And then there's the elves. I'm worried for them. For all that they've helped the trio on getting their bearings in Rosemount, they really haven't done much else. There always seems to be a counter against them so even semi-prominent characters like Ceryyn haven't had much time to shine. Even now in this historical meeting, they seem poised to take a beating again with all this talk of assassination, not to mention all those obelisks. It's admirable that they can navigate that many odds, but I want them to show exactly why they're a great power. I hope that when everything falls apart and there's chaos everywhere, we can see them rise to the top. It's not even because I'm particularly attached to them. It would just be disappointing to have them featured in this book so prominently only for them to not be all that impressive in the grand scheme of things. As always, thanks for the chapter, and happy writing!


Wait, why the elves? From what it looks like, they're about to take a beating again with all this talk of assassination.


I feel like you're ignoring the possibility of adding Anaelina to the harem! Turn an unfriendly into a friend, like the last 2 girls ^^