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Big changes coming and I need your opinion! (Please Read!)

  • Yes, I need fully voiced projects for immersion. 0
  • Doesn't matter to me really. 9
  • I'm just here for the hot animations. 2
  • I turn off the audio anyway, so it doesn't matter. 0
  • 2024-01-03
  • —2024-01-10
  • 11 votes
{'title': 'Big changes coming and I need your opinion! (Please Read!)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes, I need fully voiced projects for immersion. ', 'votes': 0}, {'text': "Doesn't matter to me really.", 'votes': 9}, {'text': "I'm just here for the hot animations. ", 'votes': 2}, {'text': "I turn off the audio anyway, so it doesn't matter.", 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 10, 5, 25, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 3, 5, 9, 13, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 11}


   We are now 3 days into 202, and content will be spicy here on out. But this year won't be without inevitable setbacks I was not expecting. February was supposed to be the release of the Sindale Heights Episode 3 ; well, that won't be happening, and instead it will be delayed till March. The project is supposed to be fully voice and filled with 60 minutes of content. Well, apparently, 3 of the voice actresses had retired from doing NSFW voice acting during the holiday, which had set back the production of the episode.   

  This situation had made me think about how to approach my bigger projects in 2024 and beyond because a lot of these VA are becoming unreliable. They either take my payment and then disappear from the internet and have not submitted audio, or their life is in shambles and become unreliable when meeting deadlines. But I never took under consideration that some VA's retire because, for them, NSFW voice acting is not something they really want to do, it's just a stepping stone to get into Professional Voice Acting, and once they get their foot through the door they up and retire and disassociate themselves from the NSFW community altogether.

  Sindale Heights Episode 3 has to be salvaged because those retired VAs are missing, and for me, it doesn't sit right to have the character's voice change mid-way through the episode. So I will be working on something to fix this issue. So here is what I will do, this Episode will now become Episode 4 and I am currently working on a new Episode 3 that isn't fully voiced but will have text during the dialogue scenes instead of voice acting. Its almost done and is scheduled for a March Release. I already have a backup movie release for February and screens will be shown off in a couple days.

So here is a quick roadmap of what to expect for the first half of 2024.

March = Sindale Heights Episode 3
April = Trials of Maturity: Sex with the Donga Warriors
May = Cocktroid Remake
June = Sindale Heights Episode 4

Okay now I have a question that I would love for you all to answer. Is the lack of fully voiced movies (Movies that are story dialogue driven with voices. Sex sounds will always remain in the movies) a deal breaker for you?


Crazy Man

I think it's good with voiced and also fine if not. The only thing incorporated story vise should be is character shet like the onoes you had on your site i remember Caroline and some other girls having one

Jimmy P

Anything to keep the projects on point is what matters to me. I agree with Bence about the VA being a bonus. As long as we know what's going on story wise with comment bubbles/dialog I'm all in!