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We are almost halfway through 2023 already as content begin to pick up. Moving forward the quality of my content will continue to get better and in order to signify the major changes and quality bump I decided to label my movies with a brand new opening logo. This logo will indicate whether or not a movie is part of the 3DHB Next Generation because I still have yet to release a lot of my current projects before the sudden change in direction.

So what does all of this mean? 

1. Better quality storytelling & Cinematics 

2. High Quality Rooms & Environments (Will talk more about that later!)

3. Transition between Text Dialogue & Real Voice acting during major scenes.

4. Patron Avatar appearances in movies & more!

This is only but a view changes for my upcoming movies, but remember only movies with the new Logo intro is part of the Next Generation. Because of this new directions my movie projects will take much longer to make because of my editing, animating, and acquiring of new assets as I build the new scenes etc.

Loops will carry on as usual to hold you guys until the projects release and I will try to fulfill commissions once a month for those who are interested in that. I still have more good news coming which I will explain later this week or next week. It depends on how soon the assets are done :)




My mind set is always quality over quantity, so please, take your time. What I do appreciate is you doing posts like these to keep us in the loop, as well as model updates, project previews, and the loops to keep us occupied until the next big movie.


Dope man cant wait to see more of your stuff !! I hope to get a Animation Loop Comm one day 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾