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The Torgan Fairy can really take it, don't you agree?




I love that her heels almost touch his balls while riding. Speaking of her heels, will they be next to her during the foot job?


Good question, nope her heels won't be on the side because of one major reason. The Forest itself is a Frame Rate Killer because of its textures, then adding sunlight to areas so the models can be seen also dip the frame right. Now the whole trick behind having heels beside the model during footjobs is a bit more to it. See the shows aren't objects, it's in fact an invisible model wearing heels just standing in place to make the illusion that there are heels sitting in place. Each model in a room or setting impacts the frame rate, the room itself is high polygon with high textures so I can pull off anywhere near 50-60FPS for 2 models. But when adding a 3rd model it drops it to 45FPS, which is fine when there are simple animations like the opening cutscene. Once we get into the Sex poses that is when the FPS drops drastically because of how complex the pose is and it drops drastically because of the 3rd model that's in place wearing the shoes for that illusion to work. So not in this movie will the shoes be shown on the side. It will just kill the overall performance of the movie.


Loving the Previews. Cant wait to see this !!