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Yes, that's right Episode 2 of Sindale Heights is coming September first and here are some screenshots from the series. After a lot of feedback from you guys I decided to go text based for the story dialogue segments which makes things so much faster to get the series out and into your hard drives. I can also make the episode so much longer as I progress through the episodes. 

Runtime: 40min 

Tier: 3DHB Disciple 

Those who have yet to experienced Episode 1 because of budget reasons, the first episode will be broken into mini episodes and placed in its respective tiers. 3DHB Disciple tier members will always be an Episode or 2 ahead of those who are waiting on the mini episodes. So expect Mini Episode 1-1 to release this week :)



Jimmy P

Oh hell yeah brother! Again it's not a set back to use text for story dialog! I'm glad you're moving forward with this way regardless. I'm excited for it dude!


Thanks man, you guys with the feedback took a load off my shoulders. The FALL and Holiday content is going to be nuts and is already done. Everything else im making is extra content sprinkled for the rest of the year. Im also working on 2023 content right now.

Jimmy P

Glad that the feedback helped take pressure off. It's hard to rely on VA's that could possibly take up time for scheduled content.


As one of the ones "who have yet to experienced Episode 1 because of budget reasons," it's great seeing this series continue to develop. And I definitely don't mind text-based story, if it means better and longer episodes. Thank you as well for the very nice previews 😄