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Hey everyone! The release of Sindale Heights is almost here on June 1st and I hope you're excited. I wanted to update all of you about what I'm going to do with this new series moving forward after the release of Episode 1. The Sindale Heights series will be the first among a lineup of movies that will have a time length of 40-60 minutes. This means that a new tier level had to be created to accommodate these projects. The tier will be $50 but don't let that scare you because this tier is only for the diehard.

But don't worry, those who can't afford the $50 tier won't be left out. I took some serious thought into this decision and I believe its a win win for everyone. So this is what I decided to do with my Sindale Heights and other movies in the "3DHB Disciple". I decided to break the episode into mini episodes and will release them in their proper tiers over a period of time. The Diehards will have instant access to the Full Length the day of release while others can wait till Episode 1 mini parts release over time on whatever tier they belong to based on their time length.  

Its going to take time for me to start breaking episode 1 into smaller episodes and by the time Episode 2 release in September it probably won't be until November before Episode 2 mini episodes begin to drop.  So the choice is up too you :)



Jimmy P

Just an extra $20 for me. No big deal.