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Hey everyone its been awhile since I last talked with all of you concerning feedback for my patreon. Well its needed again because it would definitely make content releases a bit easier for the rest of 2022. Now recently I mentioned how voice acting is getting super expensive because of how ambitious my projects are becoming and also because the VA's market prices are rising too. This has caused either delays or just take a much longer time to release the bigger projects now. The reason you haven't seen Sindale Heights Episode 1 is because of the heavy reliance on Voice Acting and its cost. Right now I've already spent $1400 on this project.

The project will finally release in June but because of how expensive it is, projects take too long to release and I also have to wait for them to submit their audio and if they are booked with other obligations it takes even longer, so a few of you gave me suggestion but I want to hear from the rest of you.

I was thinking about going back to text when it comes to the story parts of my movies. I want to rotate between fully voiced story and texted story projects. The reason why I abandoned the Text story telling because I figured it was a step backwards since all of you are use to fully voiced content. But if I go text with some of my story projects I can get them done a bit faster. 

So right now I am in the middle of hiring VA's to provide me more sex sounds, and dirty talk lines and a little bit of template dialogue that I can slide in whatever project I want. So it can still feel fresh while at the same time I can push out more content while not having to keep going back to hire for dialogue specific lines pertaining to one project.

So far I am gathering new voice lines and sex sounds for:

1. Donna

2. Belinda

3. Febee

4. Lady Fang

5. Ashanti 

6. Julie 

7. Saeko

8. Tilda 

9. Evadne 

10. Adeline 

and more. Its been rough because I have to save 2 to 3 months worth of patreon income just to hire for a single projects but with this route I can save more and hire less. But I do plan to go fully Voiced for the "Mizu The Demon Slayer" reboot which will release before the year is over. I would like to upgrade to an even stronger PC, because I want to step up performance and Visuals even further. I maxed out this PC, it cannot be upgraded any further, but I couldn't upgrade yet because most of my spending is on hiring VA's. So let me know what ya think?

I have some amazing stuff coming up with some of the new VA's I hired though, so stay tuned :)



Jimmy P

Did my comment get deleted?


No? I dont think the comment ever went through. I did find it weird that you like the post but left no feedback.

Jimmy P

That's odd maybe it was too long to be posted.

Jimmy P

I'd say do the text dialogue. I've played some lewd games that was just text and I enjoyed them.

Jimmy P

Leaves the imagination open in my opinion.

Jimmy P

Yes! And they also had sex sounds as well too. So you could mix it up here and there.

Jimmy P

Hopefully others will respond to this.


Wanted to go back through your vids, & the ones I hadn't seen yet, to make a more informed opinion. Personally, while there are a few vids that definitely benefit from the good voice acting done, I think if you went back to just sex sounds and text, nothing would be lost for me. I've said it before: you're excellent with the videos you create, and there are times I actually mute the audio, just to enjoy the visual creation on display. Even thinking from a more business-minded perspective, if the voiced vids aren't returning worth their investment, changes would probably need to be made anyway. Overall, I'm here for the great vids and stories you tell. If voiced lines need to be cut so you can progress, I'd understand and would still appreciate your vids.


Wow thanks for the feedback, okay now I know what I must do! Sindale Heights Episode 1 will probably be the last fully voiced project for awhile. Expect Stepmother 2 and a few others to be text based dialogue. Ill will be stocking up on more sex sounds and dirty talk in the meantime since its more cost effective with the VA's.