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First off, Happy Halloween!

"Daredevil" is in its final production stage, with the usual setbacks defeated and overcome, we'll begin rendering next week!

Rather than announce the next poll/animation, I'll be taking the month of November to work on a couple of rigs, that is to say characters, primarily the purple boy. While he may appear to be finished, there remain some glaring problems with his face controls and geometry that need a *lot* of work. Once those are resolved he can finally partake in proper animations, which I think will more than be worth the wait. There's another character I'm considering, but its too early for me to announce it.

I'm absolutely terrible at posting work-in-progress content, but that's something I'm aiming to change, so you'll have that to look forward to as well, along with the usual random "short" animations.

Thank you for your patience and support,




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