"Lazy Chonk" Animation - Release (Patreon)
Animation - Right click to loop
This turned into an experimental project thanks to the usual bulge and squish tools deciding to break on me when I was just getting started, fortunately the new tools; a whole new program is more than up for the challenge. Maya on the other hand has been crashing over a dozen times on some days while working on this, essentially cutting the development short.
The bulgy action is a little more subtle than I had intended too , but that's all part of the learning process.
What is next?
In order to resolve the long-standing technical issues that have been plaguing me I have committed to updating and reinstalling everything, including Windows. It is rather drastic, but I believe it is the only thing left to try.
After that it'll be time to start the next project, NSFW this time. The timing is a little awkward since I have a few vacations coming up, but I'll have a new Poll for you within two weeks.