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At least for a little bit. I sent out your rewards via message, so those should be waiting for you. (Should anything be broken or missing, do let me know).

I'll be away for much of next month, but you can look forward to the next project towards the end of September. 

In the meantime I'll continue working on things behind the scenes. Which include the dragon but also figuring out how to make those delicious.. effects we all want to conclude the animations with. There's also the question of how I can make it easier for you to download older animations as we proceed.

So while i'll be off not being idle, I would like to ask you what you would like to see going forward, so I can consider them for the next project. Either leave a comment or send me a message.

With that, i'm off. Take care!



Unwilling vore.

HepyDragon Booth

the male commerson boinking either of the orcas


A male orca having some fun with a blowhole