Poll update (and more) -PAID POST- (Patreon)
Regarding the poll, I neglected to publicly announce the options that were being voted on. I will take care not to repeat that.
The winner of the mid-March Poll is.. "Item 1: Vore. Willing porpoise(f) being devoured by the orca." With 5 total votes.
Second place is shared by "Item 2: Vore. Unwilling porpoise(f) being devoured by the orca." and "Item 3: Vore. Unwilling commersons(m) being devoured by the orca." with two votes each.
So with that done, I'll start production.
Secondly but no less important, we broke the $200 mark! That means that starting April, full animations like "Seconds" will be viable.
It also means I'll be working on bringing you effects AND flash controls, in addition to the items that were part of the previous goal marks. One of these is almost ready for deployment, more on that later this week!