How it works - Update (Patreon)
Someone raised a concern about the clarity of how I described the workings of my Patreon, so I have made an effort to clarify it, hopefully making it easier to understand. Please review the text below and, if you have any concerns, please leave a comment or send me a message.
How it works
Until we reach our next goal I will be making looping animations like “Seconds - loop” and “Perpetual Porpoise”. That means that twice a month I will post a poll that Tier 4 patrons can vote on that will determine what I will work on for the next half-month. I won’t be offering the same poll options every time, so there will be variety in content.
After the poll is complete I will post a paid update that will go towards funding the animation, after which I will begin production.
There will only ever be a maximum of two paid updates per month. That means that if you pledge $4 per update, the total pledge amount will never be more than $8 over the course of a month.
Each paid update goes towards funding an animation. The shorter animations, the looping ones like “Perpetual Porpoise” and “Seconds - loop” take only one paid update. The longer ones, like the full “seconds” will take multiple paid updates. But again, I will only ever post two of those updates per month!
In practice this means that you get one shorter animation per paid update, or a longer one for multiple. Keep in mind that I start work on the animation largely after it’s been funded, which means that if you pledge towards a paid update for a shorter animation, you will not see the animation until around two weeks after.
Your tier rewards will be made available via Patreon Message, which will contain a link to the content.