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Poll results

The poll results are in and boy do we have a winner. I had my doubts about what was going to come out on top but you overwhelmingly voted for the fourth option, in which Drake feeds his orca friend.. yet another friend. This received 76% of the vote, with the runner-up “Two orca sharing a dolphin” receiving only 18%. The remainder went to “Supersize dolphin nomming a regular size orca”. Whaleca got 0 votes. Big oof there, poor guy. The working title for this animation for now will be “Fine Dining”. 

I’ll begin pre-production shortly; this means storyboards! I’ll be collaborating with another artist who’ll help me with that, someone whose past work overlaps significantly with the subject(s) of the animation. They have also vowed to make sure I stay on track, so that I don’t tack on scenes or make things needlessly complicated… which will be quite welcome I have to say. 

On “A Tight Spot”

Rendering is well underway. There were a few setbacks, because it wouldn’t be a Tasuric project without those, that required me to redo a couple hundred frames. Turns out a lighting change made late in the project revealed some portions of the characters that couldn’t stand the light of day. Fortunately, the awesome person helping me render fared better and together we’re at approximately 25% complete. 

In other news

My workstation seems to be coping with the stress of rendering relatively well, even letting me to some light 3D work while it heats my house! Along with storyboarding for “Fine Dining” I’ll be working on Patreon renders mostly. Streams are for the moment still off.

That's it for this update. If you have any questions, concerns or feedback, please let me know.



That scream muffled by pillow when you noticed serious flaw in the animation in the middle of rendering... Been there, done that ^_^' I feel your pain and keep fingers crossed nothing else appear. Regarding the voting, vore is not my thing so I'll skip streams this time, but good luck still :)


I always expect such things but yes, it never gets any easier. D: