Stream recording 9-25 / Schedule - News Update (Patreon)
Starting next Sunday the streams on the weekend will start and end two hours later, this should allow more people to catch them live. The weekday stream will remain unchanged for now.
Recording here.
Recording at 4x speed here,
The next stream will be Sunday 29th of September , 11:00 - 16:00 (UTC)
At: If it asks you for a key, input "ShinyKinetics".
Animation news
Not entirely unexpected, things are taking longer than I originally planned they would take. I am sure none of you are shocked at this point, but my hopes that I would have "A Tight Spot" finished by the end of this month are not going to come to fruition. The reason for this is a series of unexpected edits to the animation. I thought I was finished but as I move through the timeline to put final touches on I discover things I was previously unaware of and as a result I've had fix these instances, which in many cases has undesired effects later on in the timeline which also have to be addressed.
I have a handle on these changes, meaning they're finite and becoming ever smaller but while it is nothing world shattering it does mean another delay before release. As always I'll keep you updated on how things are progressing.
I want to apologize for letting this project get away from me and keeping you guys waiting this long, I'm doing my best to bring you this animation as soon as possible while keeping it to the quality that you've come to expect.
That's it for this update, thank you for your support and take care!