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So Back in my early 20's I spent a couple of weeks in New York in a flat that my friend owned near the Village. My Friend Dino's parent had money, and owned a couple of Brownstones, and let him live in basement apartment of one. Well Dino liked to travel, but last time he when he was in Europe his place got broken into. He wanted to travel again but also didn't want to come home to a place completely cleaned out, So he called me. He made me a deal, fly me out and house sit while he travels. Of course I said yes, I mean a free vacation, and his parents even floated me some cash to spend....I'm gonna be the biggest slut!!!

So the first couple of days I was really good. Didn't do much catting around. That did not last long, and woah did I party. 

Now since this was quite a while ago, and I did drink a lot that trip I don't remember a lot of they guys I slept with, but I do remember Sargent Officer "Friendly".

One of the weird things I remember is that area did have a few cops that would patrol, and hang around there at night. The whole block would be deserted, but you'd always see a car there. After a few nights I would start to recognize some of the cops faces. Friendly would usually hang out somewhere on my block and take his breaks. Officer Friendly was a large man about 6ft and just as wide. Black hair, thick black body hair all over his arms and poking out from the top of his white t shirt under his blues.

Some where around the 7 or 8th day I left the apartment to go out and Friendly was out front leaning on his car smoking a cigarette. While walking up the few stairs my eye line was level with his crotch, and I could clearly see his fly was open. Like really open...I had clear view of his white brief underwear. 

I said "Officer" and he responded with a nod and a grunt. 

"Hey uh Officer, your fly is open. " I said.

"Oh yeah, well I'm on my break kid. I ain't doing nothing till I finish my cigarette..so enjoy the show while it lasts" he growled as he rocked his hips in a humping motion.

"tell you what kid," he took a drag on his cigarette and exhaled "Clearly my hands are full. if it bugs you so much let's see if your brave enough to zipp me up" he grinned letting out a chuckle, smoke still drifting from his mouth as he talked. 

I don't know why, to this day I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to do this , but I walked up to him, and with out breaking eye contact I reached down and slowly zipped up his pants. 

"Awww, I was hoping you'd reach in there" he said in a mocking flirty tone. I smiled and started to back away. "Not so fast kid" and with a swift motion he had his arm around me and on my ass pulling me crotch to crotch with him. He got his face close to mine.

"I've been watching you kid, your quite the little number. Spending a lot of nights down at the bars. Bet you've been suck'n a lot of cock while your here. I know your staying at your little friends place right here" I got a little scared and he noticed "yeah kid, not a lot goes on here I don't know about"

what He also noticed is I was getting hard as a rock...."How about we go back into your place here, and I show you what you almost missed by zipping me up".

So we went back into my friends place and had a short session, he opened his zipper back up and pulled out a thick member but not too long. I gave him head right at the front door. As he zipped up and said

"Get some rest , I'm coming back after my shift" and he left, a few hours later he was  back, and we did a lot more all day long. Friendly and I got to know each other over the last few days of my trip...I almost moved to NY to be with him. 



Mikha Bruin

Wow! thank you for sharing the story, that's one hell of living in NYC experience :)