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Hi!  I apologize for the delay, I have had problems with my PC and the internet connection these days and until now I was able to finish the doodle.  I hope you like it.  😁❤️

Don't forget that the next doodle will be a Kakasaku and then a Haruka/Usagi, just be a little patient with me, please.  🙈




The lighting in this is so wonderful! And yesss for dick stripes mwahahahahaha. Hope your computer stops giving you issues so you can relax and doodle!


Dick stripes are everything with Sess. 🤣 I'm glad you liked the final result of the doodle. 🙈💖 I have to buy a new PC soon, but at least for now the machine has stopped giving problems; Hopefully, I'll be able to draw at ease for a while. 🥲