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Hi! I couldn't appear here before because I got sick, but I'll get to work on the next doodle these days, so I apologize for disappearing this week. 😅

So, according to the poll I did last time, the next doodle will be a Sesskag, then a Kakasaku and I think I'll add a Haruka/Usagi at the end, to test how I'm doing with that ship. 🤭

Now, if you have any suggestions for future doodles that you want to see, you can leave them here, and it doesn't necessarily have to be smut, it can be any other scenario; I will be taking notes of your opinions for the future. 😁



OMG OMG OMG HARU/USA??? I’m so excited! Glad to hear you’re feeling better too 💖💖💖


Yeah! Haru/Usa is a ship that I always liked, so I'll do something with them. 😁 I don't know if it will be completely explicit, but I have something in mind that might work. 🤭 And thank you! I feel so much better now. 😎✌