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Hi! This week I haven't been able to sit down and doodle, but I thought I'd upload these linearts, which are part of a small project I have. 🤭
I still haven't decided which other characters to draw or which other professions to include, so, if you have suggestions about any character you want to see, you can leave them in the comments and I will be taking notes. 😉💖

¡Yo! Ésta semana no he podido sentarme a garabatear, pero pensé en subir éstos lineart, que son parte de un pequeño proyecto que tengo. 🤭
Aún no decido que otros personajes dibujar o que otras profesiones incluir, así que, si tienen sugerencias sobre algún personaje que quieran ver, pueden dejarla en los comentarios, que yo estaré tomando notas. 😉💖




YESSS to doctor Sess! He already looks put out (but I bet he’s got a heart of gold and likes to heal children lol)


Oh, he definitely has a soft spot for kids, it's just that the photographer decided to catch him right at the end of his shift at the hospital. Poor Sess needs a cup of coffee to revive himself. 🤣