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Hi! These have been a bit busy days, but since I can finally get to work on this week's doodle, I was curious. Does anyone here like Yaoi? 👀
It's not something I've drawn before, at least not an explicit doodle, but I thought I'd include something if you're interested in the topic.
If so, is there a particular ship that you like? You can leave your suggestion here and I will take notes. 🤗

¡Yo! Éstos han sido días un poco ocupados, pero ya que por fin puedo ponerme a trabajar en el garabato de ésta semana, me dio curiosidad. ¿Alguien por aquí gusta del Yaoi? 👀
No es algo que haya dibujado antes, al menos no un garabato explícito, pero pensé que podía incluir algo si les interesa el tema.
De ser así, ¿Hay alguna ship en particular que les guste? Pueden dejar su sugerencia por aquí y yo tomaré notas. 🤗



Totally for it! Though I’m biased cuz I’ll take anything in your style lol. Wouldn’t say no to more UsaSeiya or UsaHaru! Any maybe other IY pairings? InuKog, KimiKagu, InuSan, KogSan


Thank you so much, you are the best. 🥹💖 I've already drawn some UsaSeiya and UsaHaru, so I'll try something new this time. Maybe InuKog or KimiKagu? 🤔 In a little while I will upload a preview of the doodle of one of those ships. 🤭