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  • Ren'py 245
  • RPG Maker: MZ 89
  • 2024-05-05
  • 334 votes
{'title': 'News!', 'choices': [{'text': "Ren'py", 'votes': 245}, {'text': 'RPG Maker: MZ', 'votes': 89}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 5, 12, 59, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 334}


Guys! Already finished the chapter of Fred's birthday in each route I have an idea since I had many problems with RPG MV, you saw, it has problems with the saves, the gallery, it weighs too much, the animations lag, etc ... and without counting the problems of crashes that I suffer and for which I lose progress.

I was thinking about changing the engine after this update, either to RPG MZ or Ren'py, I already know how to use ren'py so I'm fine, I need to perfect a couple of things but I learned it in a day XD, you wouldn't mind to split the game now?

I'll keep it short and concise:

To save space, I can split the routes, i.e. I will create a project either in Ren'py or RPG MZ for each route, therefore they won't weigh more than 3-4gb per update and the "why there's no new content!?" (they were playing the route that wasn't updated) will finally be avoided.

I can finally change the resolution of the images to 2560x1440p, this will improve A LOT the quality of the images.

In case of doing it in RPG MZ I can add new plugins like accessing the gallery from the menu or even add the Ren'py buttons like back, log, save, etc... in the dialogs inside the events (God willing).

In case of doing it in Ren'py, I can add the gallery from the menu and other things that everyone must already know it.

Bad points of doing it in RPG MZ=

The resolution at 2560x1440p can make the maps look very small as well as the texts (I guess there is a solution with plugins) and maybe the same problems with lag and animations that we're already having in MV.

Bad points of doing it in Ren'py=

The Free Roam feature will be lost (NOT COMPLETELY) and it will become a visual novel, there will still be decisions that change story directions and the movement will be by clicking and deciding where to move, this can have good ideas like for example when Cami is outside the school, instead of seeing a 2d image of it, you will see her with her model and her clothes in that same place, by clicking you will approach and you will be able to talk to her.

This will be an improvement to the game and the bad thing is that it must be done in a different project so the decisions will not be reflected automatically, for this when starting the game I will put options on your decisions that change the course of the story, for example in the cheating path if you saved Jessica or not, if Cami went with the police cosplay to the first party or not, that will make your previous decisions to be reflected in the new project.

Please let me know what you think about this idea and vote which engine you think is better (maybe not the final decision, for now I need to know what you think of this idea), in my personal opinion Ren'Py is more comfortable and I would like it to win but I'm not complaining about RPG MZ, this unfortunately I have to do it because of the weight of the game so far and the amount of problems that many patreons and public users are having because of it and my way of doing animations in RPG Maker, that said, THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your support and god bless you all.

NOTE= The visual novel that I will release in a few days is called Between Shadows: Yuria's Passion and is made in Ren'Py, with it you can tell me how it looks and you can get an idea of how SoD will be in Ren'Py, I say an idea because if I win I will improve a lot with Ren'Py and I will try to provide the highest possible quality each update.



My idea is to give you the highest quality possible and to make you enjoy the story and CG's as much as possible.


Topdown view / isometric view via RPGmaker will typical always be my favorite for any NTR game. The options to let the player see something what is going on, on the other side of a door/wall/building or whatever where the MC can't see it but only hear it and guess will always bring out them good NTR feels!

Lx Xotic

This is a perfect analysis of why rpgm ntr games are my favourite

Mike Hok

I can understand a move to Renpy in the view of the dev as many people also seem to dislike RPGM very much which i personally cant understand but its a diffrent type of player that just wants sex fast i feel like. BUT as for me personally i think depending on how renpy gameplay will be implemented a Engine swap would be a big no no for me as far that i would say i might even quit the game and supoort even tho it is one of my favorite current gen NTRs. Since in my eyes ALOT of the enjoyment in a NTR Game comes from being in the field seeing things for example tru walls or just see a heart at the door and hear noises or whatever there is just sooooo much more immersion in a rpgm game where you feel like your actually in the moment and in the game and you have full control of where to go who to speak too and what to do. Renpy takes that freedom away. As you said in a other comment "Would a top view style of the maps in Ren'py solve that?" Honestly i dont know i think its a interesting idea which i never saw implemented in a game so its defenitly an option but id like to see it tested in a test game so we can see if the implementation can be done right. Another Popoular game that had the renpy engine where you would move about by clicking doors is milfy city a game i couldnt fully enjoy because of how uncomforable the clikcing movment felt and how absolutly confusing that can be. its just no fun to click at every object in a 2d frame to see if its interactable or if a mc says something to the action. Its a tough decision so i can defenitly understand the want of moving to renpy as a dev. but i personally think it would tone down the immersiv feeling insanly hard and i dont think you can have a good NTR story in renpy since you just cant build up that feelin of immersion and threat but thats my personal opionion. I beleive renpy promotes a unhealthy gameplay and way of playing where the first thing people do is enable skip text and just crtl tru all the text just to get a quick jerk and move on. So yeah i dont know. I thought of making a game myself but i dont really have the skills and i thought of the issue that many people dislike rpgm and like renpy ( i think alot of hate towards rpgm stems from people not making proper use of tools for rpgm like for example MTool which makes RPGM games very comfy to play) my solution to it was to build a topdown game in unity but that is a WHOLE LOT of work and a new engine thats not even on the table but games like NTRCORP make it seem interesting so idk maybe you take a liking of Unity but as it seems now i cant do anything against the current 70% vote for renpy.

Lx Xotic

its a shame shadows of desire is unique because its an actual good rpgm 3dcg interaccial cuck game i actually feel dredd playing as fred. Renp'y would take away alot of that feeling and theres already quite a few interracial cuck games on renp'y

fahad alfahad

If Renpy Like summertime saga And Taffy tales It’s good I prefer RPGM 😘 Whatever you choose, I will still support you God bless you